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[VERY IMPORTANT] They will not be aware, that they have a “potential” earning capacity of US$100,000 per annum working with you, so VALUE & RESPECT them for that potential!


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  • INVITE > CNP (Cut-N-Paste) Invite Method
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  • After sharing the S.Y.S.T.E.M page > Always β€œB” Closing (A.B.C)
    • So let’s just continue to chat here first and then we can do a voice chat later if needed. πŸ™‚
    • Please let me know once you’re on the SYSTEM web page and u can see the page details, so I can explain a little?
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    • OK…As u can see at the top of the web page… S.Y.S.T.E.M stands for >> Saving Your Self Time Energy & Money
    • And that’s really our goal together when we build your business, saving yourself time energy and money. πŸ˜€ We also leverage Facebook and the internet to reach globally, which is what I personally love about this business.. the global reach and flexibility of online.
    • Are you excited about this online global business idea as well?
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    • For example, how we connected on FB… we have a system to chat which we call the CNP Method. I’ll explain this later πŸ™‚…
    • now the image under the heading “Your Initial Investment and Points” is your different investment levels into the business… can u see that?
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    • I am a Platinum level now but I started with Gold, I would recommend Gold initially because of its initial benefits which were shared on the video presentation. Which level are you thinking about for yourself?
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    • Awesome πŸ˜€ under each level is the initial investment you need + the monthly investment you need. NOTE, this can be reduced as mentioned on the video, once you have 4 other members which I will help u achieve within 2 weeks.
    • Our GOAL TOGETHER is to potentially get your investment back within 2 weeks. So starting with Gold level realistic for you?
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    • that’s Awesome! πŸ˜€ as it does come with awesome BENEFITS and POINTS and you can watch the presentation video again to understand it more…
    • With the heading underneath the image. >> YOUR WHY and YOUR TARGETs > 2WKsGetPaidPlan
      • Target 1 > GET 1 > Get Recognise
      • Target 2 > GET 2 > Get Recognise
      • Target 3 > GET 4 > Get Recognise > CONGRATS YOUR TARGETs ACHIEVED!
    • What this means is we discuss about your WHY, your core purpose of doing this global business which is very very important. For me, for example, is all around FUN, FREEDOM and FULFILMENT. I will share more about all these as we move forward
    • Your TARGETs as shared above is:
    • Target 1… Get 1 initially (as fast as possible) … better to have a Gold membership or above as this gives u cash straight away πŸ˜€ Like me, you want to get paid straight away yeah?
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    • WHY, Gold or above is .. signing up someone on a gold membership will give you $20 cash, Platinum $50 cash and Titanium $100 cash and hence you start earning straight away!!
    • now there is another bonus …so for example, if you get a gold member in your left side and then another gold member on your right side… you also get a $50 cycle bonus on top of your $20 per gold members
    • and these are just 2 ways out of 9, to actually earn an income within the first 2 weeks as shown in the second image under the investment image. Can you also see that?
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    • As what I shared with you earlier…. we do this all online and globally in 44+ countries, potentially connecting with family, friends and friends of friends, on FB and we have the CNP Method or what I refer to as the Cut-N-Paste Method πŸ˜€
    • so I know I have shared a lot.. are you still following me? and do you have any questions?
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    • With sharing Your WHY and CORE STORY… I help with all this of course as we are in business together. My background is an online marketing strategist, so I have had many many years of experience online so you have that advantage of working together with me πŸ˜€
    • Now if you scroll a little lower with the heading >> YOUR ACTION PLAN RIGHT NOW > I.S.E.E
    • Can u see the heading?
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    • That was basically the CNP Method that I used during our early conversations from the very start until you said YES after my final question… Do you have the ability to invest in Yourself and are you ready to get started… Right Now?
    • That’s why its a SIMPLE and already PROVEN SYSTEM that the only failure to it… is that you don’t execute it daily and that your WHY is not big enough to believe in and go after. This is VERY VERY IMPORTANT…
    • There is a Science and an Art to what we do and its already been proven… that is the awesome part!!!… Does this make sense to you?
    • So let’s get working together and get u paid in 2 weeks by enrolling now at
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  • ENROLL > Membership Website >
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  • EDUCATE > S.Y.S.T.E.M > 2WKsGetPaidPlan > 7WKsGetPaidPlan